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Using WordPress Shortcodes

We use self-developed routine to create these references.


We use a shortcode called rxf to create the flags.

[rxf c="<id>"]

“c” stands for country and you enter the individual country code. See table below.

257 Flags are available. Here is a list of those countries used by us so far:

adAndorra[rxf c="ad"]ad
aeUnited Arab Emirates[rxf c="ae"]ae
atAustria[rxf c="at"]at
beBelgium[rxf c="be"]be
chSwitzerland[rxf c="ch"]ch
cnChina[rxf c="cn"]cn
czCzech Republic[rxf c="cz"]cz
deGermany[rxf c="de"]de
dkDanmark[rxf c="dk"]dk
eeEstland[rxf c="ee"]ee
esSpain[rxf c="es"]es
es-ctSpain – Catalonia[rxf c="es-ct"]es-ct
fiFinland[rxf c="fi"]fi
frFrance[rxf c="fr"]fr
gbUnited Kingdom[rxf c="gb"]gb
gb-engUnited Kingdom – England[rxf c="gb-eng"]gb-eng
gb-nirUnited Kingdom – Northern Ireland[rxf c="gb-nir"]gb-nir
gb-sctUnited Kingdom – Scotland[rxf c="gb-sct"]gb-sct
gb-wlsUnited Kingdom – Wales[rxf c="gb-wls"]gb-wls
huHungaria[rxf c="hu"]hu
ieIreland[rxf c="ie"]ie
itItaly[rxf c="it"]it
jmJamaica[rxf c="jm"]jm
ltLithuania[rxf c="lt"]lt
lvLatvia[rxf c="lv"]lv
nlThe Netherlands[rxf c="nl"]nl
noNorway[rxf c="no"]no
plPoland[rxf c="pl"]pl
ptPortugal[rxf c="pt"]pt
ruRussia[rxf c="ru"]ru
seSweden[rxf c="se"]se
usUnited States[rxf c="us"]us
zaSouth Africa[rxf c="za"]za
unknownUnknown country[rxf c="unknown"]unknown

Here is a list with all codes:

Reference to previous posts or pages

We use a shortcode called rxl, which returns a permalink (permanent URL of an object).

[rxl id=<id>]

Optionally you can create a link to the story, but with another text.

[rxl id=<id> title="<custom title>"]

<id> is replaced by the ID of the post or page that we want to refer to.
In the text, the shortcode is then replaced by the title of the post or article as a link.
The id of a post or article can be retrieved on the individual “All Post” or “All Pages” screen.

title="<custom title>" is used if you don’t want to display the title of the referenced article but a custom text that has a link to the referenced article.

For example the post “Hayden Paddon to compete in GRC” has an ID of 405.
This is the result of [rxl id=405]: Hayden Paddon to compete in GRC
This is the result of [rxl id=405 title="see this article"]: see this article